- Can minions level up to max from 1 star in dungeon hunter 6 plus#
- Can minions level up to max from 1 star in dungeon hunter 6 free#
Vero or Baretta – note that Baretta doesn’t need #1 maxed. Vero or Baretta – whichever you fuse first, max first. Amazing nat5 – if you get something game changing that can also farm (ex: Zaiross, Verad, any Chimera, Anavel, Praha) before you fuse Vero or Baretta. My general rules for devilmon has been (across my 3 accounts) Just leave a single crappy monster in your defense to keep your rank down so you can farm other easy defenses. Make sure you get these EVERY SINGLE WEEK EVER as your primary glory purchase. For comparison, my main account purchased 7 packs by the time it hit 40. You should be able to afford your first pack around level 20 – depending on Com2Us events – and another pack every 3-5 levels after up to 40. There’s a bunch of math out there saying that the mana packs (I think…) are the most effective way to spend your crystals, so there’s that…but me I’d rather have monsters. Can minions level up to max from 1 star in dungeon hunter 6 free#
However, IF you are super lucky and get multiple nat 5s or really good nat 4s, then feel free to stop with the 750 packs and just use your crystals on double xp and refills. I almost never buy double XP anymore – generally the 12 hour boost is enough to get me at least 2 5* fodder, sometimes 4, and then event rewards & DB10 angelmon cover the last 2.
Can minions level up to max from 1 star in dungeon hunter 6 plus#
NOTE2: Due to the addition of the free 12 hour boosters when you 6* something plus event rewards, the number of double xp boosters you’ll need to purchase via crystals has been drastically lowered. NOTE: Due to the addition of the world boss, crystals are now a bit more plentiful, so you’ll probably have significantly more crystals than I did leveling up. Me, I like monsters, so I spent > 50% of my crystals on 750 packs until I had enough nat4s. OR, if you are the hyper efficient type, save all your crystals for double xp refills and eventual GB10/DB10/NB10 farming. I recommend saving all your crystals for the 750 packs at least until you get to level 40, or get a decent selection of nat4s. More later once I start caring about raids – right now I can only do R2-R3. You can start raiding whenever you want, but there’s not much point until a) you have runes worth upgrading and b) you can at least do R3, so I’d place it somewhere after DB10 & ToA 100. all happen along the way with the same kind of guiding light. So, depending on where you are in that process, when you are making a new 5* or 6*, you want to ask yourself: “Which monster will best help me finish this goal and move on to the next?”Įlemental dungeon, xp farming, etc.
Giant B9 OR SKIP with friend’s rep or crystals. Elemental B8s, reliably awaken 4*s & 5s. Elemental B6 dungeons, reliably awaken 3*s. Note that this is completely depending on your monsters and runes – you may have a setup that lets you get to ToA 70 but you still can’t auto Dragon B7, for example. I can break that down a little, at least based on my progress. Just to give you an overview, I’ve seen this bit of advice thrown about, and it’s kind of mirrored my accidental progress, but seems solid anyway: This “guide” (and I use the term loosely) is a compilation of those notes into a form that I hope will be useful to at least one person. Hell, I started two alt accounts just so I could run hundreds of low level dungeons without wasting energy on my main account so I could get a better picture of the drop rates. Silly things…like tracking hundreds and hundreds of dungeon runs, or what teams I was able to beat X dungeon with at what level. Appendix III: Mechanics Questions & Answers 5.6.2 Some nat4s I’ve tested who can farm faimon 1 hard at 6/40. 5.6.1 Some nat4s I’ve tested who can farm faimon 1 normal at 5/35. 3.6 Key dungeon units for the early game. 3.5 General notes on the elemental dungeons. What to choose for you free rune sets. 2.1.4 Three star monster families to save for skillups. 2.1.3 Three star L/D monsters to look out for. 2.1.2 Three star fire/wind/water monsters to look out for:. 2.1.1 Two star monsters to look out for:.
1.4.1 Void’s general rules for devilmon usage.